
We do not restrict our political news only to one nation rather each political update and major event is touched upon by our agency. Crucial information, applicable to our audience in the politics section is among our topmost priorities.

Latest Politics News

Despite his anti-corruption commitment, Anwar is in discussions with opponents

The election on Saturday saw the most seats won by any group,…

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Strikes around the Zaporizhzhia plant are deemed “madness” by the UN

A "stop to this madness" has been demanded by the head of…

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According to Kaira, the party will support the PM’s choice for the next COAS

Qamar Zaman Kaira, the PPP's leader and advisor to the premier on…

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Following the Istanbul bombing, Turkish jets strike targets in Syria and Iraq

Turkish military aircraft bombed locations in northern Syria and Iraq that, according…

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Mahathir, a senior politician from Malaysia, suffers his first electoral setback in 53 years

According to the nation's electoral commission, Mahathir finished fourth in a five-way…

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US coerces Ukraine into considering negotiations with Russia

General Mark Milley, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs, claimed on Wednesday…

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N Korea issues a dire nuclear threat in retaliation for US “aggression”

The recent provocation as the UN Security Council gears up to hold…

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Special counsel Jack Smith to supervise any criminal inquiries into Trump

Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the appointment of Jack Smith as special…

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Avoid “politicising” the appointment of the army chief, says Zardari

Asif Ali Zardari, co-chairman of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and former…

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An alleged ICBM fired by North Korea landed close to Japan

Military leaders in Seoul stated the ICBM was launched from a location…

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North Korea launches a missile and issues a threat of “fiercer” retaliation

Officials in Seoul said that North Korea launched a ballistic missile in…

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Republicans barely take back control of the House, resulting in a split government

Despite having a meager majority in the House of Representatives, President Joe Biden's…

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