On August 23, a man was found dead in the Amazon forest, surrounded by colorful feathers, and was identified as the last descendent of an uncontacted tribe; the members of which are reported to have been the victims of genocide in the 1960s. He was the last survivor and lived for more than five decades alone. He refused to contact anyone and secluded himself away from civilization. His activities were uncommon as he used to dig holes and traps all over the forest and thus came to be known_ for the lack of any known name and language he spoke_ as the “Man of The Hole”.
The man was 60 at the time of his death while living in the Rondonia state of Brazil. It is debatable that he passed away peacefully outside his straw hut as there was no evidence of invasion, murder, or struggle of any sort. He ceremoniously surrounded himself with feathers of varying colors which is believed to be his cultural practice in events of death. Further information is awaited as his body undergoes forensic procedures.